"Only Way Left for Little Guy
to Get Rich Online..."

Date: Friday 7th February 2025

From the Desk of: Michael Cheney, Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain.

Dear Friend,

My name is Michael and I'm about to give you the only way left for the little guy to get rich online.

Now "rich" is all relative of course - maybe rich for you means an extra $50 a day, an extra $500 a day or even and extra $1000 a day?

Either way - what you're about to get your hands on WORKS.

And don't worry this isn't some long training course - I'm actually going to DO IT FOR YOU, you just copy and paste it and make money.

Sounds hokey?

Well listen up...

The Road To Affiliate Marketing Success is a Painful One

I've been doing affiliate marketing since the year 2000 and trust me - it's been no cakewalk.

For the first two years I poured in every ounce of blood, sweat and tears I had (not to mention all my savings) into trying to crack the affiliate marketing code.

I failed.

You know how it is right?

It's not easy.

Trawling the affiliate networks is a pain in the ass.

And looking through Facebook groups trying to separate the facts from the fiction is hard to do.

So you try to see what other people are promoting or what's working but you miss the "wave" and lose out on the big commissions.

It's a never-ending battle trying to stay on top of what's happening in the marketplace and you never quite feel like you have it under control...

You Get Disillusioned as Your Family and Friends Rub Salt in the Wound Telling You it Will Never Work

It sucks.

There you are trying your best and all they can do is question your methods or, worse still, poke fun at you.

They think you're wasting your time.

They think you're going through a mid-life crisis.

They think you're making a mistake.

So you buckle down and decide this time you're really going to show them so...

You Slave Your Ass Off Trying to Drive Traffic But End Up Failing Miserably Wasting Yet More Time and Money

It's maddening.

You do what you're supposed to do but you're not getting any traction.

You spend hours learning how to get traffic and then painfully implementing the method only to have nothing to show for it.

You check your stats once again only to see no visitors, no clicks and no traffic.

But then maybe light appears at the end of the tunnel when you do manage to get some clicks on your affiliate link...

Your Heart Sinks When Nobody Buys Anything


I know what it feels like.

I've been there. Many times. Many thousands of times in fact.

You see;

I've been doing this since the year 2000 (sheesh that makes me feel old).

And I've had more sleepless nights, broken dreams and near-breakdowns over this stuff than just about anyone.

And while I've nearly quit many times and tried to cut my losses something inside me told me to keep pressing forward.

A burning desire to discover the truth.

A passion to succeed.

And a determination to finally unlock the answers to making money online...

Fortunately, Over the Past 17 Years I've Learned What Actually Works and it has Churned Out $6,925,419.04

It's not been easy but I've done it.

Call it fate, brute determination or sheer blind luck I don't care.

What I've found WORKS.

And I've made millions of dollars in commissions to prove it.

Now I'm using it to rake in thousands of dollars every single day, 365 days a year.

But I Can't Teach You This Method

Don't get me wrong.

I have tried teaching people what I do to make millions of dollars in commissions.

But most people never follow through with it.

They get busy, they get distracted, life gets in the way.

Let's face it;

You need something easy.

You need something fast.

You need to finally start making the commissions you deserve.

And you want to do it with;

- No list
- No website
- No money for ads

So this why I'm doing something weird...

I'm Going to Do It All For You So You Can Just Copy, Paste and Make Money Like These Guys Did...

I found some willing test subjects to
try out this "copy and paste" solution on.

I said;

"Just copy this, paste it online and see what happens."

The results were remarkable.

Every last person made money - literally overnight.

With no list, no website and no money spent.

Like this guy;

New York-based Single Father of Two Just Copies, Pastes and Makes $296.88 in 48 Hours...

Florida Mom Makes $171.47 on Her Day Off Just By Copying and Pasting Something on the Internet

30-Year Old Dude from Wales Copies and Pastes His Way to $810.50 in Just 2 Weeks

Dude from Springfield, Ohio Rakes in $180.68 in 9 Hours

47-Year Old Dog-Lover Makes $431.58 in 24 Hours

By Now You Can See This Copy and Paste Money Method Definitely Works - Here's How...

You just copy and paste ready-made affiliate promos I've written for you.


You just copy, paste and make money;

No website.

No list.

No paying for anything.

And the best part about this is it's virtually hands-free because you don't have to research the best products, you don't have to find what works and...

You don't have to write a single word of affiliate promotion because I'm doing all that for you.

You just take what already works and use it as your own.

And you can make money with this even if you don't have a list because there's a fast, free way you can drive traffic which I reveal to you inside...

You're Getting to Copy, Paste and Profit from $6,925,419.04 Worth of Done-For-You Affiliate Promos Plus Use Every Promo I Ever Release as Your Own

Yes, it's true.

I've done $6,925,419.04 in affiliate sales since I started up in affiliate marketing.

This is a pretty staggering amount of money right?

I've been doing this longer than some "marketers" have even been born which means I know;

- How to find the best, biggest money-making products to promote

- How to craft the perfect affiliate promotions which make people buy

- How to get tons of targeted, free traffic to make masses of sales

Here's how this works...

You're Getting 440 Money-Making Promos Right Now and 45 Hot New Cash-Creating Promos Every Month

And you should know by now;

When it comes to putting out affiliate promos I'm prolific;

I put out a minimum of 3 affiliate promos every day - and each one puts a ton of money in my pocket.

So you're getting my entire back catalog of cash-creating affiliate promos (over 440 of them) ready for you to copy, paste and make money with.

Plus you're getting, as a monthly Commissionology member, the licence to use any of my future money-making affiliate promos as your own.

This is a licence to print money - I'm doing all the work for you, you just copy, paste and make money.


This is What Every Affiliate Needs to Get Rich

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this is what you've been looking for.

It gives you everything you need to start making money right away;

1. Traffic (I show you fast and free methods inside the members area)

2. The best products to promote (I do all the product research so you don't have to)

3. Great hand-written promos which convert (I've spent 17 years honing my copywriting skills)

You're getting all three here.


You don't have to spend one red cent on solo ads, Facebook ads or anything like that.

In fact; There's nothing else you need to buy whatsoever.

You can do this without a website, without a list and without money for ads.

I'll show you exactly how on the inside...

Why Struggle to Make Big Commissions When a Membership to Commissionology Makes it So Easy?

You know how much work, effort, time and resources it takes to crank out 3 new affiliate promos every single day, 365 days a year?

That's right - a LOT.

Each one is unique and hand-crafted from over 17 years' worth of marketing and copywriting experience I've garnered from the affiliate marketing battlefield.

For each one I study the salesletter of the product intensely, I develop story arcs and themes, I get inside the mind of the vendor and the prospect to create a perfect pre-frame for the sale. And then I write all the words which contain powerful psychological sales triggers which make people buy.

It's both an art and a science.

And now, for the first time ever, you are getting a licence to use every single affiliate promotion I've ever created (and ever will create) as your own.


Your Monthly Membership to Money-Making Success

Here's everything you're getting as a Commissionology Member;

  • Instant access to my entire back catalog of $6,925,419.04 worth of done-for-you money-making affiliate promos. (You're getting 440 hand-written affiliate promos personally created by me as soon as you get into the Commissionology members area.)
  • A licence to use all of my future affiliate promos as your own including over 45 new personally hand-crafted, money-making affiliate promos every single month. (You just copy, paste and make money right away. And you don't need a website, a list or any money for traffic because we show you an incredibly effect free traffic method on the inside).
  • Easy, fast commissions with all the market research, product selection and campaign creation done for you. (Forget slaving away for hours trying to find the best products to promote, studying salesletters and products then painstakingly writing all the promos. Everything is done for you and ready to copy, paste and make money right away).
  • Simple step-by-step Fast Start Guide to accelerate you directly to the money. (You can literally be making money with this in just hours from now - even if you're just starting out).
  • Behind-the-scenes access to the powerful and completely free traffic-getting method. (This is fast and fun method of making money which anyone can do and doesn't need money for ads or anything else).
  • Exclusive access to a LIVE Orientation Call showing you step-by-step how to make money right away. (Watch over Michael's shoulder as he reveals to you the fastest way on earth to go from zero to money-making affiliate hero).
  • And oodles more money-making goodies besides...

Your 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Because we are so confident you will get fast results with this you're covered 100% by our 30-days money back guarantee.

This means you get instant access today to my entire back catalog of $6,925,419.04 worth of done-for-you affiliate promos.

Plus:- You're getting a licence to use all my future affiliate promos as your own (forever!). Yes - every last promo I ever release is yours to just copy, paste and profit from right away.

And you get the free traffic training too to start getting traffic and sales right away.

But if for some bizarre reason you want to walk away - you can do so at any time and request your money back in full.

Yes - you can CANCEL at any time but doing so means you lose the licence to use any of these promotions of course.

Just Copy, Paste and Make Money

1. Click the "Buy Now" button below

2. Copy and Paste the Done-for-You Promos (no website, list or ads required)

3. Make money;


$27 billed monthly, renews automatically, cancel anytime. All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Limited - Michael Cheney's holding company. If you cancel you lose the licence and rights to use all of these money-making, done-for-you promotions of course.

See you on the inside, welcome to Commissionology.

Michael Cheney

P.S. By now you're probably wondering why I would "give away the farm" like this for a measly $27 per month? Simple...

By giving you all the affiliate promos I've ever written PLUS all the affiliate promos I ever will write you're going to make a lot of money just by copying and pasting them.

You're going to become a raving fan for life and likely re-invest some of your moolah back into my programs.

My peers think I've lost the plot giving this away for $27 a month and only time will tell if they're right.

In the meantime - you should take advantage of this and start copying and pasting your way to rich affiliate status right away...

  • q-iconCan I really make money with this just by copying and pasting?

    YES. Because by now you’ve seen the results of other people on this page – they did exactly that. Just copied and pasted the done for you promos online. They had no paid traffic, no money for ads and no experience. You can do it too.

  • q-iconWill this still work for me even though I don't know how to get traffic?

    YES. Because you’re discovering a powerful free traffic-getting method on the inside which actually works. You can be up and running in just minutes from now and starting to drive traffic and making sales.

  • q-iconWill I still make money with this even though I'm a newbie with no list, no traffic and no money for ads?

    YES. Because we’ve purposely designed this so even the man off the street can get results quickly. Everything is done for you. You just copy, paste and follow the simple steps on the inside to drive free traffic and watch the sales start coming in.

  • q-iconIs this really as easy as you say it is to make money?

    YES. Because you’re getting everything you need here to make money. The done for you promos you get instantly have already made over $6M in sales. Plus you’re getting 45+ new done-for-you promos every month to make money with and we even show you how to drive oodles of traffic for free.

  • q-iconIs there a guarantee?

    YES. Because we are so confident you will get fast results with this you’re covered 100% by our 30-days money back guarantee. This means you get instant access today to my entire back catalog of $6,925,419.04 worth of done-for-you affiliate promos. And you get the free traffic training too to start driving traffic and sales right away. But if for some bizarre reason you want to walk away – you can do so at any time and request your money back in full.

  • q-iconCan I make money with this without having to invest in anything else?

    YES. Because you don’t need anything else. All the money-making promos are ready-written for you. You just copy, paste and make money. And we also show you an incredibly powerful way to drive free traffic too.

1. Click the "Buy Now" button below

2. Copy and Paste the Done-for-You Promos (no website, list or ads required)

3. Make money;


$27 billed monthly, renews automatically, cancel anytime. All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Limited - Michael Cheney's holding company. If you cancel you lose the licence and rights to use all of these money-making, done-for-you promotions of course.

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