Frequently Asked Questions Before
You Go Ahead and Join The 7-Figure Franchise...

  • q-iconQ. Can I start making money quickly with this?

    Yes. As soon as you can start driving traffic you can start banking cash. Even if you don’t use paid ads you can start driving free traffic (using the comprehensive training inside) and be making sales within days of becoming a 7-Figure Franchise partner.

  • q-iconQ. Are the products I'll be promoting top quality products?

    Yes. They are highly sought-after programs which solve major problems in the internet marketing niche. Each one has been many months in development and cost many thousands of dollars to produce. Each product and funnel is also tested methodically over several months to attain the highest possible conversion rates and payouts for you.

  • q-iconQ. Can I really make big money with this with no list, no paid ads and no experience?

    Yes. The Free Traffic Masters training you get access to inside your 7-Figure Franchise members area helps you get lots of free, targeted traffic right away. You are also getting weekly coaching from the 7-Figure Franchise traffic and commission experts. Plus you’re getting weekly live coaching from Michael Cheney himself – the founder of 7-Figure Franchise – teaching you fast and easy methods to drive traffic to the funnels and make sales quickly. Of course – if you want to take a shortcut and have additional funds available you may wish to buy some traffic to ramp things up fast. This is optional.

  • q-iconQ. Do I qualify for ALL commission levels, including receiving recurring commissions even though I won't be paying the monthly fee myself?

    Yes. And you immediately get big commissions on all levels (for life). You won’t be held to ransom with commission denied because you haven’t “unlocked” other levels. You get paid upto $1000 commissions across all products ranges and levels. You don’t have to buy anything, pay anything else or worry about monthly fees or hidden charges. Once you’re in – you’re in.

  • q-iconQ. I want to join The 7-Figure Franchise and have the money. Can I do this without having to buy anything else?

    Yes. There are no subscriptions or fees. You’ll get all the free traffic training you need to start driving traffic and making sales right away. You do of course have the option of paying for traffic but you don’t need to. With the Free Traffic Masters program inside The 7-Figure Franchise you’re set up for life.

  • q-iconQ. Do I get ongoing support once I become a 7-Figure Franchise partner?

    Yes. You’re getting instant access to the 7-Figure Franchise Community – an unrivalled family of action-takers. You’re also getting a direct line of contact to Michael and his team. Plus you’re getting the weekly live coaching webinars. You are no longer on your own, operating in a bubble and wondering which way to turn next. You are surrounded by like-minded individuals all helping one another towards the same shared goal.

  • q-iconQ. Can I retain the leads I send to the 7-Figure Franchise funnels and market to them directly myself?

    Yes. If you want to you can certainly do this. You may just want to go the easier route and send the traffic direct to 7-Figure Franchise to let Michael’s funnels and sales team work their conversion magic. But if you’d like to build your own list at the same time you can do this too. Just create a squeeze page (using the page builder software you get inside the 7-Figure Franchise members area for free) and add people to your list first. Then send them onto 7-Figure Franchise to make those big ticket sales.

  • q-iconQ. Is this different to MOBE?

    Yes. 7-Figure Franchise is all inclusive and you get paid 90% on all front-end sales (including recurring) and 50% on the big ticket sales the moment you become an 7-Figure Franchise partner. You don’t need to buy anything else. MOBE charges you different amounts to unlock different levels of commissions. With 7-Figure Franchise you pay the one-time investment and you are set for life. No recurring fees. MOBE charges you a monthly fee to be a member. With 7-Figure Franchise you are promoting an entire suite of different product funnels, programs and courses. This is not MLM – this is a real business selling real products providing real value to the marketplace. MOBE is pure MLM and is you selling the MOBE opportunity to others who sell it to others and so on. In short – there is nothing quite like 7-Figure Franchise out there (which is why I’m such a big believer in it and those who get in now will reap big rewards).

  • q-iconQ. Is this different to becoming an affiliate for a product?

    Yes. Normal affiliate programs don’t pay you on the high ticket backend sales (like 7-Figure Franchise does). Also – with 7-Figure Franchise you’re getting weekly live coaching with the 7-Figure Franchise affiliate experts and with the founder himself – Michael Cheney. With 7-Figure Franchise you also get lifetime ongoing support and guidance from the thriving 7-Figure Franchise community – your new family online.

  • q-iconQ. Is there a high demand for the products I'll be promoting?

    Yes. Think about this – 1 product can make millions. 1 sales funnel can make MANY millions. In 7-Figure Franchise they are always creating, optimizing and releasing new funnels every year – At least 2 – 3. This is another thing which makes 7-Figure Franchise different, when you join you are not getting just what is there now to build a business from. You are a LIFETIME partner and as a company they have a vested interest in your success so they always keep you ahead and remove ANY possibility of saturation.

  • q-iconQ. Is my investment in 7-Figure Franchise guaranteed?

    Yes. Michael Cheney is giving you his complete personal guarantee. If, in six months from now, you haven’t made at least $20000 in commissions – Michael and his team will personally work with you one-on-one until you’ve made at least that.