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An open letter from Michael Cheney
Dear Friend,
Do you know what the most painful thing in the world is?
No it's not standing on Lego in your bare feet (although with two kids in my house I can certainly testify that it's up there).
Well, it's kinda weird but it turns out the most painful thing of all is being ignored.
Who knew?
Yes - it's a psychological pain but here comes the science...
Kipling D. Williams, a Purdue professor of psychological sciences, ran a study that showed being ignored can hurt as much or even more than a physical injury.
And Being Ignored in the Marketplace
Really Hurts
Just ask any affiliate and you'll know by now - it's hard to get noticed out there.
Like most internet marketers I've always relied on affiliate marketing for a fair chunk of my income.
It's an easy way to make money right?
Or at least that's what they tell you.
But as the months and years have gone by I couldn't help but notice it's been getting harder and harder to carve out decent profits as an affiliate.
You don't need to be genius to recognize...
The Four Horsemen of the
Affiliate Marketing Apocalypse
#1. Conversion rates, EPCs and profits per promo are dying a slow death
#2. Email delivery rates, open rates and clickthrough rates are down the toilet
#3. Market maturity has led to reluctance, skepticism and even downright negativity in the market
#4. People are being bombarded with more and more affiliate promos every day (and more affiliates are joining the battlefield with every passing hour)
Frankly, people just don't give a shizzle about your affiliate promos any more.
You're getting lost in all the noise.
And every day more and more underhand affiliates are rearing their ugly heads to make it even harder for you.
It's a war out there.
And the tactics are getting dirtier and sneakier too.
I'm sure you've seen those d-bags who get a video ranked on YouTube for a certain product only to push viewers to a shady MLM instead.
You're back's against the wall for sure.
Why Most Affiliates Fail - and
What You Can Do About It
For starters - they do what everyone else does (and we all know where that gets you).
They put out the same old messages in the same old way. They rely on email marketing. They struggle for what to say in their promos.
And so they resort to underhand tactics and desperado moves like throwing kitchen sink bonuses into the mix, commission clawbacks or cookie stuffing.
Not good.
But perhaps I'm painting too negative a picture of these guys?
There are of course affiliates out there just trying to do the right thing but still failing.
And their downfall is they just don't have the right process yet.
They're missing some pieces of the puzzle. (Or more likely they're trying to do the totally wrong puzzle!)
What Makes An Affiliate Successful?
The super successful affiliates stand out from the crowd.
Their messages get noticed, get acted upon and get sales.
The super successful affiliates go against the grain and shine out like beacons in the same-same darkness all around them.
People are attracted to this (and they bring their wallets).
The super successful affiliates use a proven process that cranks out bank-busting commissions every single time.
They follow the steps every time and, like the perfect recipe, they end up with a perfect result (lots of tasty moolah) every single time.
You Need To Do Something New,
Different and Unexpected
You need to use the NEW way of affiliate marketing which, until now, has remained a closely-guarded secret of an elite group of super affiliates.
And the most super successful affiliates on the planet are using The Commission Machine.
Look. I get it.
You're jaded and I don't blame you.
Trust me - I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt.
It's a freakin jungle out there and I should know - I built my first website in 1995 and have been internet marketing full time since 2000.
So when you hear about some latest, greatest new way to make money you can't help but raise your guard and set your BS-meter to "stun".
This is how I felt too but then I actually discovered something truly revolutionary.
So let me assure you...
This Totally Changed The Way I Make Money Online
But it goes much farther and deeper than that.
This is something which not only changed the amount of money I made online but something which also changed my entire internet marketing strategy.
The change was both instant and dramatic.
It instantly made affiliate marketing more profitable, much easier and much more fun.
Let's flesh this out...
The story starts back in late 2014.
Don’t Envy the Super Affiliates – Be One
I used to look at all those leaderboards of super affiliates making $100k in one promo, winning Rolexes, boats and big cash prizes and be so jealous I'd nearly puke.
Now I am one of those super affiliates.
And I've made $100k in a promo, won a Rolex, won a boat and raked in countless big cash prizes.
[rolex, boat, cash, leaderboards, other cool prizes, $2619 computer]
And sure - I've been doing this longer than most, I've had the advantage of creating and using The Commission Machine for a long time but even "greenhorn" marketers are getting stellar results with it...
It's A Shame For You Not To
Make Good Money --- When
Affiliates Using This Do It So Easily
- Naidy
- Thomas
- Ben Shaffer
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"Cheney! I'm An Advanced
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Your Page To See What The
Deal Is Here, What You Got For Me?"
This Is The Part Where
I'm Supposed To
Convince You To Buy
This is where your sales copy will go. There are several sales page styles to chose from inside of Optimize Press. Refer to your training to learn how to compose a captivating sales message to go here.
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